The papers should be prepared according to provided template. Please download template and follow these guidelines when preparing your papers.


The papers should be prepared on the standard A4 format (210×297 mm). All the margins should be set at 5 cm (top and bottom) and 4.2 cm (left and right), different first page, different odd and even pages with header and footer size of 4 and 4.5 cm.

The paper including tables, figures, and reference list, should be on 6 pages. The paper must be written in English, using Microsoft Office Word (*.docx; *.doc). Text of the paper should be written in Calibri, 10 pt, justified, single line spacing, spacing before and after paragraphs 0 pt. The first line of each paragraph should be with an indentation of 0.5 cm. Please, do not put numbers on the pages.


HEADINGSSub-headings, and Sub-sub-headings should be written in Calibri, 10 pt, left-aligned. There should be one line space (10 pt) before the headings and one line space (6 pt) after the headings.

The Abstract should not exceed 100 words, should state the principal objectives and the scope of the investigation, the methodology used, summarized results and principal conclusions. Calibri, 8 pt, justify, indentation left and right 0.25 cm, space between abstract and keywords 8 pt.

Keywords: max 5 words, Capitalize Each Word (Calibri, 8 pt, justified).

Figures and tables should be in line with the text and part of the submitted paper, positioned accordingly to its mentioning in the text. All figures and tables must be cited in consecutive numerical order in the text and referred to in both the text and in the caption as Figure 1, Figure 2, Table 1, Table 2, etc.

Figures and tables should be centered in the text. The data presented in the tables should be written in Calibri, 10 pt or smaller. There should be one line space (10 pt) between the figure or table and the text (before and after). Figures (graphs, photos, maps, etc.) should be of high quality, suitable for reproduction and print (300 dpi or more if possible).

Please submit math equations as editable text and not as images. Equations should be left-aligned and numbered consecutively, in rounded brackets (1).

If any, the text of the Acknowledgement should be written in Calibri, 9 pt, italic, justified.

References should be listed at the end of the paper as they appear in the text written in the form: Calibri, 10 pt, indentation right hanging by 0.5 cm. If one reference is cited in the text use [1], or “Smith et al. [3] …” in the sentence. For more than one reference use [1,3,5] or [2-4].

Reference list should be prepared for different types of references, as follows:

  1. Author, A.B., Author, B.C. (2009) Article title. Journal title, 48 (1), 10-20.
  2. Author, C. (2010) Article title. In: The name of the Conference. City, Country, Proceedings, 21-25.
  3. Author, D. (2011) Book title. No. Edition, Publisher, City.
  4. Author, E. (2012) Chapter title. In: Book title (E. Editor), Publisher, City, 26-35.
  5. Author, F. (2013) Report title, link of web pages, (accessed date).