Emerging Technologies and Emerging Wastes: Challenges and Opportunities

Prof. Dr. Junbeum KIM
Dr. Junbeum KIM is a professor in CREIDD-Interdisciplinary research on transition towards sustainable socio-technical systems, UR InSyTE (Interdisciplinary research on Society-Technology-Environment Interactions) at University of Technology of Troyes (UTT), France. He is conducting research about Environmental and sustainable engineering, Industrial Ecology, Life cycle assessment, Environmental footprints, Sustainable resource management. He holds a Ph.D. in Civil, Environmental, and Sustainable Engineering from Arizona State University (U.S.) in December 2008, a Master’s degree in Civil and Environmental Engineering from Carnegie Mellon University (U.S.), and an Environmental Engineering from Inha University in South Korea. After 2 years Post-Doc. experiences in the University of California, Santa Barbara, and University of Minnesota, he joined to University of Technology of Troyes.