Innovative technology for the recovery of abnormally luminescent diamonds based on the use of luminophore-containing modifiers
V.A. Chanturia, V.V. Morozov, G.P. Dvoichenkova, E.L. Chanturia, Yu. A. Podkamenny
Valeriy V. Morozov, Academy of mining Sciences of Russia, Russia
Valeriy MOROZOV, born in 1955, graduated from Moscow Institute of steel and alloys in 1978, he began his career in 1978 at the Department of “Enrichment of ores of nonferrous and rare metals” at MISIS. In 1985 he wos defended his PhD thesis. Completed a one year training at the Freiberg mining Academie.
Since 1991 V.V. Morozov has been working as a teacher at Moscow state mining university. In 1998 he defended his doctoral thesis. In 2000 he was awarded the title of Professor at the faculty “Mineral processing” of MSMU. From 2000 to 2014 he worked as head of the Department of chemistry of Moscow state mining university. Currently-Professor of the Department “General and inorganic chemistry” Nftional university of science and technologie “MISiS.
V.V. Morozov is the author of one monograph and 180 publications, including 12 patents. V. V. Morozov’s developments are implemented at a large number of domestic and foreign enterprises.
The most significant works:
- Sorption-electrolysis technology of processing of cyanide gold-containing plums of thickeners at Zyryanovsk mining combine, rfzakstan, 1996.
- Process control system Department of grinding and flotation on Karagaily processing plant. Kazakstan, 1997.
- System of X-ray fluorescence analysis of ore and concentrate at GOK Erdenet, Mongolia, 2008;
- Process control system Department of grinding and flotation “Mining SASA”, Macedonia, 2010.
- Process control system Department of grinding and flotation OF GOK Erdenet, Mongolia, 2014.
- Process control system of flotation – classification at JSC “Mining company of Hebei metallurgical plant”, China, 2015.
- Development of advanced ore grade control system at GOK “Erdenet”, Mongolia, 2017.
- Development of technology for selective modification of diamond surface for recovery of weakly luminescent crystals, AC “ALROSA”, Russia, 2021.
V.V. Morozov is a full member of the Academy of mining Sciences of Russia, a corresponding member of the Russian Academy of natural Sciences and a Member of the scientific Council of IPCON RAS. He is a member of the editorial Board of the journals “Mining science and technology”, and “Mining information and analytical bulletin”.