Innovative biodegradable waste treatment as a possible solution for recultivation of tailings and ash and slag landfills

Dr.-Ing. Viktor Simončič
Dr.-Ing. Viktor Simončič was born in Ljubljana in 1948.
He graduated from the Faculty of Technology, University of Zagreb (1970) and received his doctorate from the Faculty of Chemical Engineering, University of Karlsruhe, Germany (1976).
From 1980-1986 he was appointed Assistant Professor on “Environmental Protection” at the Faculty of Metallurgy, University of Zagreb.
In his professional career, he has worked in research and teaching (University of Karlsruhe, Germany and University of Zagreb), in industry (Institute of Metallurgy in Sisak) and business (INGRA, Zagreb), in administration (he was Deputy Minister at the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Spatial Planning of the Republic of Croatia, Acting Director of the State Environmental Protection Administration of the Republic of Croatia and Government Advisor at the Ministry of Spatial Planning and Environment of the Republic of Slovenia) and since 1988 as an independent consultant (now Grevicon Consulting d.o.o. Sisak).
He has worked and continues to work as a consultant for various companies and on a number of projects funded by the EU, EBRD, WB, UNEP, UNDP, kFw, EEA, etc.
He is also active on the development of strategic documents related to environmental protection and sustainable development, in different countries and at different levels.
He has published several scientific and technical papers, participated and actively participates in a number of conferences and consultations, is author and co-author of several publications, including several books.
He is actively writing critical posts on social networks and gives popular lectures. Among other things, he has been writing Viktor’s Lessons on a weekly basis for ten years.